Kuari Pass Trek - Best Winter Trek - Everything you need to know


Have you all heard about Lord Curzon ? Lord Curzon was the viceroy of India under British Raj, and he discovered this legendary trail for the first time that's why this trek is also called The Curzon trail. The Kuari Pass trek is a 12,516 ft. high trek. Being the all season trek, Winter marks prominent adventure over this trek.

Why this trek is so popular ?

This trek is popular because of its adventurous trails and the view you get from the top. Walking along the Curzon trail through these villages is a great way to get acquainted with the life of the mountain folks. The trees are ablaze in the yellow-orange colors of autumn, striking a deep contrast to the blue-brown mountains and the snow caps. From the Kuari top you can get a theatrical view of  Mt Nanda Devi (25,673 feet) and Mt. Dronagiri (23,182 feet) – in any season and many other peaks too.

Which is the best time to do this trek and can we do it solo ?

This trek is accessible for 8 month but these 8 months include all seasons. 

Spring – March and April
Summer – 
May and June
Autumn – 
Mid September to November
Winter – 

Each month has its own different terrains, difficulty and fun. This is a easy to moderate level trek, so you can do it alone but prior experience is required, or you can opt any worthy and viable trekking organization.

How long this trek is and how much will it cost ?

This is a 6 day long trek from the base camps (Joshimath and Dhak). If you're doing this trek solo then it will averagely cost you around 12,000 INR , and if you wish to do this trek with any trekking organization, then they will charge you around 9,000 - 10,000 INR.

Map / Route

This a map / route of Kuari pass trek from both base camps (Joshimath and Dhak )

(Image Source - India Hikes)


(All image sources - Google Images)

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